Wednesday, September 5, 2012

No road is long with good company - Turkish Proverb

Hope everyone had a good Labor Day weekend!

We spent it hanging out with friends and family....

Saturday night we had dinner over at our neighbors house; and let me just tell you, IT WAS AMAZING!!
Some of the best food I've ever had, no joke. Wish I had taken a picture.

Sunday evening we ended up going to Worlds of Fun. Having Gold Season Passes is awesome, if I do say so myself. Free parking and free admission and discounts, you can't beat that!

Monday, we spent the morning at Oceans of Fun, last day of the season. We even got the boys on a water slide, which is a feat in itself and low and behold, they loved it. Well Brody loved it. Afterwards we headed over to Joe's parents house and had some yummy baby back ribs. They were to die for.

I guess, needless to say, we had a pretty eventful weekend. I love weekends like that!

Question for the night......

Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
1. Flying to Texas from the Philippines when I was 3. I remember sitting by the window and looking out and seeing tall buildings and at that age, I guess a whole new world. Moving from the Philippines to the U.S, it definitely is a different world.
2. One of my birthdays in Texas. I'm not quite sure if it was my 4th or 5th birthday. I just remember there were quite a few people and I would hide behind my mom's dress because I was shy. I was always told I was quite a handful so that shyness didn't last very long.

3. When I was 1st grade and in P.E class I had accidentally wet my pants. So my parents were called and they had to bring me an extra pair of clothes. It was embarrassing. I'm surprised I'm even sharing it now.
Hope everyone had a happy Wednesday!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Children are a fresh start....they are us without all the mistakes. - Linda Poindexter

I had a crazy dream last night. Actually two of them and they were both about us having a daughter. Which don't get me wrong, I would love to have a daughter, but we have both decided that we done having kids. Both the boys are in school all day now and I'm currently looking for a job, which I've been waiting to do for the past 7 years now. 

The first dream, our daughter was maybe 6 or 7 months old, cute as a button and in the 2nd 1, she was maybe a year and half. Her name started with a D, I want to say it was Delilah, but I'm not quite sure. Both dreams were very descriptive. It's crazy to me how I could have 2 dreams in one night that consisted of us having a daughter. Maybe GOD is trying to tell me something, who knows. I've always heard you dream about what you are thinking about before you fall asleep but I wasn't thinking about a daughter. If I end up pregnant in the next few months, I'm going to look back on this post and say, "Yeah, GOD was definitely telling me something."

Tonight, after dinner I decided to make some brownie cupcakes. The only thing I would've done different would've been that I would've sprayed the cupcake baking cups because they stuck to them. Other than that, they were delicious!
Even the boys enjoyed one!

They thought they were delicious! As long as they thought it was delicious, that is all that matters :)

Question for the night is........

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

If I were an animal, I think I would be a bird. That way I can fly to anywhere I want and not have a care in the world.

Hope you all had a great Friday and you have a great Labor Day weekend!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The only person I can try to be better than, is the person I was yesterday. - Unknown

Describe 5 weaknesses you have

1. I can have a really bad temper. Honestly, there's times to where I think I might need anger management. Totally not kidding. I wish I was.
2. I can be very forgiving when I shouldn't be. I guess it's because I tend to see the good in people unless they have proven to me over and over again that they really don't have any good in them or just not good people in general. 

3. I have a tendency to want things done my way or I feel like it's wrong. Which I'm learning, isn't always a good thing. 

4. I put people around me first all the time. The ones I love tend to be more of my priority then myself. I have put my things that I want to do on the back burner for people because I feel that as long as they are happy it'll be ok. And it makes me happy to see other people happy. Especially seeing the ones that I love and care for being happy.

5. I feel the need to protect our boys all time. I feel like I'm suffocating them at times. There have been things that I haven't let them do in the past because I'm afraid something is going to happen to them. Some people have said that it's no different then it was 20 years ago or 15 years ago or even 10 years ago. When actually, it's totally different. You don't really know who to trust anymore with your kids. We send them off to school thinking, "They'll be safe in school. They have polices put in place." But yet, schools are shot up. If schools aren't getting shot up, kids are getting bullied for being different, or other kids are somehow jealous of them. And it doesn't necessarily happen in schools. It happens in playgrounds, in your neighborhood, in your own backyard. At times I just wish I could keep them around me and away from the mean, cruel world it has become.

Hope everyone had a good Thursday!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Might not be tonight, tomorrow or the next day..but everything's gonna be ok - froot loop inspired by Drake

It's been a busy few days here at the Spear household that I haven't really been able to blog as much as I would like. Life tends to happen when you least expect it to. 

I'm still in the process of finding a job. I've applied at so many places and I have posted my resume on Indeed, Careerbuilder and Monster. I've been getting calls, but they either pay on commission or they are too far away to drive there and back. I'm still hoping and praying for something and still applying. Everyone has been telling me to be patient but it's really hard when you really want it and you are more than ready to do it. I'm just ready for us to start living comfortably instead of just getting by. Being able to not have to worry about money so much, be able to go on vacation somewhere nice once a year or so, be able to give our boys things they want from time to time, have more money in the bank. Just be able to live comfortably. Joe and I both know it will happen one day, we just have to patient. And the patient word  rears its ugly head again. Apparently it's something we need to have nowadays. I'm usually not very good with being patient but I've learned to be over the years. It's kind of second nature to me now. Things will be better, I believe that and I have faith in that.

Saturday, Joe and I ate at the Latin Bistro. It was really good food, but unfortunately our waiter, wasn't all that great. Apparently he had just started and he was being trained. Now, I've never been a waiter at any time in my life so I don't know how normal it is to give the wrong order to a person knowing that the order was supposed to be for another table that got there before the table you gave it to and then give the wrong desert. All this while you are being trained. Needless to say, even though the food was good, the experience, not so much, probably won't be going there again. Although the waiter that was training the new waiter was really nice and was nice enough to explain the situation to us. 
This is what I ordered. It was really delicious but I could've done without the big chunks of onion. Not really an onion fan, unless they are cut up really small and you can't even really taste them.

Aren't our little babies precious? This makes my heart smile every time I pass by our refrigerator. Of course I hung them up, why wouldn't I? It makes me such a proud mommy.

    You haven't seen The Hunger Games, you should. It's a pretty awesome movie. I watched it for the 2nd time Saturday and Joe watched it for the 1st time. He liked it! He said he could watch it all night long. He even wants to read the book. I did my good wife deed for that night. GO ME!

On to the question.....

What are 5 passions you have?

1. Being a mommy. This is definitely on the top of my list. It really is every emotion wrapped into one thing. It can take a lot out of you and also give you the greatest joy you will ever experience. There is nothing like it.
2. Dancing, I absolutely love it. Even if it's just dancing in our living room or with the DIAMOND GIRLS, it's freedom to me.

3. Reading, when I have the time that is. I'm currently listening to SAFE HAVEN by Nicholas Sparks on CD. So far, it's been really good. Can't wait till the movie comes out.

4. Arts and Crafts. I love making things. Here recently though, I just can't seem to find the time. I guess that's why I'm such a fan of Pinterest. Best website in the world for that kind of stuff.

5. Taking pictures of the boys. When they are older, I can look back at those pictures and see how far they have come. I know they will change the world one day. The world won't know what hit them.

I hope everyone had an awesome weekend.

Till next time!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The only thing that can stop you is the doubt that you carry in your mind. - Chae Richardson

It's been so busy around here since the boys started school that my blogging hasn't really been an every day thing. I will do my best to make up for that.

The boys are loving school. As for me, I'm trying to find a job. I've been applying every where. The waiting, is not fun at all. So, please pray that something comes up for me.

I've been experimenting with cooking lately. The other day, I cooked some chicken legs in beef broth and mashed potatoes and added some beef broth with it too. It was a hit! Everyone loved it. I wish I had pictures. Tonight I'm making chicken breasts with seasonings and beef broth (sensing a theme here) and added some onions and put it all in the crock pot. Let me tell you, it smells so good.
Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells.

Question for the day is.......

What is your dream job, and why?
I have mentioned this before, but honestly my dream job would be a fashion designer. I would love to have my own fashion line and own my own store that sells my clothes. I think it would be such an awesome feeling seeing someone, while we are out and about, wearing a piece of clothing I designed. I can't imagine how that would feel. If I had the money to do all that, I would do it right now. I would find an awesome location and get started.

Hope you are having an awesome day!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The happiest of people dont necesarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way - Unknown

I know it's been a couple days since I last blogged, sorry about that. This weekend has been a busy one for us. 

Friday night, I went out with some of my favorite ladies. 
It was so much fun hanging out and talking with them. It was something I needed for awhile now. And I have to say, these girls are amazing. Love them all to pieces!

Saturday, Joe and I went to the Ethnic Festival. I love how many cultures we have in this city. There was a lot of good food and they were cheap too. Free parking and only $3 to get in, you can't beat that. It was a fun little date for us. Having those times when it's just the two of us helps our relationship a lot because we rarely have those opportunities, so when we do, we try to take advantage of them.

Next weekend, we might be headed down to the Lake of the Ozarks for the Shootout Boat Races. I'm super excited for that and hoping we get to go. I will definitely keep you posted.

The question for tonight is......

What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
1. Our boys, they are absolutely the most amazing kids on the planet. I'm not just saying that because they are our kids but because they really are. They are so caring and loving. They worry about other people and how they are doing. They have such big hearts at such a young age, it makes me feel like I'm doing something right.

2. Joe, he works so hard for us. He does his best every day to be an amazing father to our boys. He's a hard worker,and he has a big heart. He has dreams that he really wants to happen, and I have no doubt in my mind they will.

3. My family, that includes Joe's family as well. I don't know what we'd do without them. If it weren't for our families, I don't know where we would be. They have helped us out so much. I wish there was a way we could repay them, but whatever we did to repay them, wouldn't be close to enough.

4. My friends, I have some of the best out there. Unfortunately, in the past 3-4 years, I have learned who my real ones are. The ones I have now, I wouldn't trade for anything.

5. It may sound cheesy, but God does. He has blessed us in so many ways. It's a really good feeling when you know you have someone up there watching over you.

Hope everyone's weekend was good and you had a little fun.
Till next time...


Thursday, August 16, 2012

What we do in life, echoes in eternity... - Gladiator

Today was the 1st day of school for the boys. Kaden is now in 2nd grade and Brody is in kindergarten. I can't believe how fast time flew by. Let alone the summer. For some reason, it was so much harder to see them go this time around. Maybe it was because Brody is our last one to go into kindergarten and that's kind of a big deal. I honestly didn't think it was going to be so hard because I've done it before. Walking out of the school, I honestly felt like I was going to hyperventilate. I could feel my heart coming out of my chest. I wanted to go back in there and get him, but that wouldn't do any good. I ended up calling Joe to calm me down a little. Needless to say, he did a good job. I do wish he could've been there though.

This morning before taking the boys to school, I took a picture of them holding a piece of construction paper and it said what they wanted to be when they grow up. Love Pinterest for this idea!

I plan on making the pictures an 8x10 and framing them and doing it every year. We are excited to see if what they are wanting to be changes any. With their dad being a firefighter, I'm betting it won't.

On to today's question.....

List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could. 

1. Work harder in school. The choices you make now, will effect your future.

2. Finish college, graduate with your degree. If you don't, you will regret it. TRUST ME!

3. That heartache you will feel, it won't last. It will get better. You will learn from it and move on.

4. Keep in touch with your friends once you graduate. Call them, visit them, hang out with them. They are the best ones you could ever have.

5. Don't believe what your head is telling you. People won't be better off if you are gone, they won't be happy and nobody will be throwing a party. Remember, you are loved!

6.  Be brave! Don't worry so much what other people are thinking about you. They don't matter.

7. When you get a job, save the money. You will be glad that you did.

8. Be kinder to mom and papa. They mean well. They love you unconditionally and they just want whats best for you and for you to be happy. Once you have kids, you will understand.

9. Spend time with your family more and not just mom, papa and Zekey. I'm talking about Tita Lumen and Tito Jim too. Offer to take them out somewhere or just talk about stuff. You don't have to talk about anything important. Spending some time with all of them will be good for you.

10. Don't be in a hurry to grow up. There's plenty of time for that. Just be 16 and enjoy it.You will miss it when it's gone.

Hope everyone had a good Thursday!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyways. - John Wayne

Recently we have slowly been rearranging our house around. We figured we needed a change.

The first room we rearranged was our living room. It had looked pretty much the same since we had moved in 3 years ago. So we were more than ready for it to have a different look.

This is the way it looked before.
It looked really small then it actually is.

They way it looks now
Absolutely love the way it looks. It feels more open this way then it did the other way.

I'm hoping the next thing we rearrange is the dining room. We'll see how it goes. :)

Question time!

Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears

1. I'm really scared of losing Joe. He's a volunteer firefighter in town and he absolutely loves it. He loves going on calls; especially fire calls or wrecks. The reason why I'm so scared is because when it comes to a fire call, he's the one you would see going into the burning building or house or whatever it is that is on fire. God forbid the roof collapses or something and he's in there. I have no idea what me and the boys would do. It's a scary thing to think about what could happen, but that's our reality.

2. I am terrified of clowns. I don't like going to a circus because they have them. Even Ronald Mcdonald freaks me out. When I was a little girl, I watched the movie IT. If you have ever seen that movie, especially when you were little, it can scar you for life. The whole concept of that movie gives me nightmares.

3. I'm scared that I'm not being the best mom I could possibly be to the boys. It terrifies me that they are going to grow up one day hating me. Even though I know I haven't done anything for them to hate me, I'm still scared that they will. I worry that one day when they are adults that they aren't going to forgive me or have a hard time forgiving me for something I've done when they were younger. I love them more than life itself, so I don't know what I would do if that ever came to pass. I tell them I love them every day throughout the day and give them hugs whenever possible. I tell them that they are talented, smart, loving, caring, sweet boys all the time because they are. I just don't want them to ever forget that no matter what I love them and would do anything for them.

I hope you all had an awesome Wednesday!


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I'm not supposed to be normal... I'm supposed to be me.

If you read the last blog, you probably noticed the questions that were towards the end. I decided to answer some of those questions. I will be doing one a day, well maybe almost one a day. So, we'll start with the 1st one:

 List 20 random facts about yourself

1. I just noticed a couple days ago, that the boys' socks fit my feet. We are going to be saving money on socks!

2. From 2nd grade to I think 4th grade, I did baton twirling  for a group called Shooting Stars Twirling Club. 

3.  I've been to or drove through 10 states. 

4. I have a tendency to over think things or just think too much in general. So in order to stop from doing that a lot, I clean.

5. I love listening to K-Love. If you don't know what that is, it's a  nation-wide christian radio station. It lifts me up whenever I need it and whenever I don't. I just love the positive attitude it gives out.

6. Beauty and the Beast is my all time favorite Disney movie

7. I have this weird phobia of having pointed things pointed at me. Like forks, knives, anything that has a pointed end. I will turn it in a different direction.

8. I used to be able to watch horror movies, but ever since I watched The Grudge when it came out, I can't anymore. I don't know if it was because I was pregnant at the time and my hormones were going all over the place or because of the creepy little boy in it.

9. Halloween is my least favorite holiday

10. I have never been to New York or Las Vegas. I plan to change that before I die.

11. It's hard for me to fall asleep unless the boys fall asleep first.

12.  I love riding roller coasters, but I'm scared to ride a ferris wheel if it's too high or a ride that just constantly goes upside down.

13. I'm a Cancer, which is a water sign, but I'm not big on swimming.

14. I haven't drank pop in 2 years and it has been one of the best things I have ever done. 

15. Love rice. I could eat it with every meal, but not everyone in the house could do that.

16. In the past 2-3 years, I have realized who my real friends are. It's been really hard to let go, but I know it was for the best.

17. I think strawberries with sugar tastes sooooo good.

18. I'm addicted to Pinterest. If there was a support group for it, I would be a member.

19. I've been dancing for the Diamond Girls Dance Team for the past 6 years and have been the assistant coach for the past 4 years. I have met some of the best girls because of it.

20. I'm allergic to cats

Hope you all enjoyed that. Next time, I will be answering another question, so stay tuned.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind

So, I know I said I probably wouldn't blog again till Monday, but since I couldn't wait to share with you how much fun we had, I decided to go ahead and blog about it today. Hope you don't mind! 

We were sad that we didn't really get to see the whole fair. We got there a little later than we wanted to. Don't get me wrong though, we still had a lot of fun. One of the best parts about it was, the weather. It was so nice outside. The temperature was in the lower 90's, which felt really awesome compared to the 100 degree temps we've been having. 

While we were there, the boys decided to balance some plates
I would have to say they were pretty good at it (wink, wink). They had a blast!

We went into one of the buildings and kaden came out with a little baby he named Kevin.
Both the boys were very sweet, careful and attentive to baby Kevin.

After awhile, we decided to go into the Mathison Center to rest a little bit because our legs got a little wore out with all the walking. This would be Brody's wore out face.

We ate at Denny's for dinner. We figured it would get fuller cheaper and you can't beat their kids eat free every Saturday from 4pm-10pm

All in all, it was a very fun-filled day. We might even go back next weekend!

During the ride down, me and Joe asked each other questions from a list that I got off of Hopes and Dreams via Pinterest. It was interesting listening to Joe's answers to the questions. Some of course I already knew the answers to but others I didn't. Even when you've been with someone for 9 years, you can still learn something new about them. In many ways it brought us closer together.


1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrasing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people misundertand most about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.

We also asked some of these questions to his mom and grandma. It was really nice to learn new things about them too. I didn't think I could adore, respect and love them any more than I already had, but after listening to their answers to some of the questions, I realized I could. Those 2 are quite amazing.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

*Happy Sunday!*

Friday, August 10, 2012

You don't need magic to disappear. All you need is a destination

This weekend, we will be headed to the Missouri State Fair
It's been a tradition for Joe's family for years to go down there and bring their camper and camp. If they don't bring their camper down, they make it a point to go down there at least once during the fair. We have kept up that tradition. The boys love going down there and they have so much fun watching the shows and riding the carnival rides. There's so much to see and do. Every year there's something different. The best thing about this year, the boys have no idea we are going, only because they have no idea when it is. So it will be a lot fun to see their reactions. LOVE surprising them!

So, since we have a busy weekend ahead of us, my next blog most likely won't be till Monday. I promise I will be taking a lot of pictures to show you from the fair. Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Before I go, I want to leave you a little something to consider.

I got this from Board of Wisdom. It's a small list of things that we should do in life. Try it, see what happens. It might just change you for the better.

Things to do:

1. Laugh as much as possible
2. Take initiative
3. Say "hi"
4. Live with no regrets
5. Kiss everyone
6. Take chances
7. Be patient
8. Stay in touch
9. Think things through
10. Enjoy life

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Halfway there

I hope everyone's Wednesday is going well. Hopefully, it is and if not maybe, hopefully this will cheer you up. And you also got to remember, you are halfway through the work week. YAY!

I swear by this stuff.
It's amazing how it works. I clean everything with this; the bathrooms, bedrooms, doorknobs, toys, light switches. You name it, I probably have cleaned it with it. Usually lasts us about 3-4 weeks. totally worth it and cheap too.

We read a page out of this book every night before the boys go to bed.
They won't go to sleep without reading it. If we forget, they will kindly remind us that we forgot to read out of the bible.

I think this is one of the best inventions known to man.
The Swiffer Wet Jet. We can clean our living room floor, dining room floor, kitchen floor, hallway and bathroom floor easily and quickly. And I say we because, my fiance Joe, does help clean from time to time.

Ever since our oldest Kaden was 3, we have been cutting the boys hair ourselves. Joe does such a good job with it that we really don't see the point in spending $10 on a kids haircut when he can just do it. Plus saving money is always a good thing.

Love this website!
Best website to go to for coupons and comp. ads. I go to it a lot before going grocery shopping. You save a ton of money. It's also an awesome feeling when you find a comp ad for an item and then a coupon for the price of the comp ad, you end up getting that item for free. That has happened before and I love it!

Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Before there can be a rainbow, there must first be rain

Torrential downpours in the past 10 days have caused some major flooding in the Philippines. As far as I know, it still is raining there and many people have lost their lives. It kills me to see such a beautiful country that I so dearly love destroyed by Mother Nature. I'm praying that all my family members stay safe and the people of the Philippines are staying safe and taken cared of. 

I know through all this devastation, the Philippines will come out of it stronger and better. The people of the Philippines are strong-minded. They will never give up on their beloved country. So I'm asking all of you to pray for each and every single person who has been affected by the flooding and for people who have loved ones that are being affected by it as well. Even if you're thousands of miles away, you can still do a little something. Praying can go a long way, if you just give it a chance. 


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Being a parent is better than winning the lottery

My kids, I would do anything for them. They are my world, my everything, my reason. I can't remember what life was like before them. So when I hear about kids going missing, I can't imagine what those parents are going through. I know I never want to ever experience that. I know the 1st thing the cops would ask would be, "What were they wearing?" "Do you have a recent picture?" So I figured, since the school year is going to be starting soon, every morning I would take a picture of them in what they are wearing that day and I would have it. So God forbid, they would ever go missing, I would have a recent picture and a picture of what they were wearing that day and the next morning after I take another picture, delete the one from the day before. God willing, I will never ever have to show a cop a picture of them, but at the very least I know I will be prepared. 

Now, on to something a little bit more inspiring. 

THE SERENITY PRAYER, has always been my favorite prayer ever since I could remember. It applies to everything you are going through in life. It's my go to prayer. I also like to call it part of my saving grace. I think everyone should know this prayer, even a part of it. So I'm going to share it with all of you.
I think if everyone could live life the way it says in this prayer, the world would be a much better place. Naive thinking, I know, but a girl can dream, right?



Thursday, August 2, 2012

Maybe it's not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it's about starting over and creating something better

I've always loved making things or turning a piece of clothing or accessory into something a little different. I used to always make clothes when I was younger. I guess the reason being is because I've always dreamed to be a fashion designer. I loved the idea of being able to turn a plain skirt into a pretty dress top or an ugly sweater jacket into an amazing looking jacket. 

Recently I've been doing something like that.

I wanted a casual over the shoulder purse. I have tons of purses but none of them are over the shoulder, so instead of spending money on one I decided to just take a couple of my purses and turn one of them into one and using something the other had. 

First, I took a regular casual purse that I wanted to use.

Then I punched a hole on the top of each side.

I took the long strap off of one of my other purses that was too fancy for the casual look I wanted and hooked each side into the holes

And.... the finished product!

I use this purse everywhere I go now. It fits everything I need and then some. Definitely more comfortable too.

I've been jogging a few times a week lately. It's a good workout. Legs tend to hurt afterwards, but as the saying goes NO PAIN, NO GAIN. The problem I have though is where to put my phone so I can listen to music while jogging. So I came up with a solution. 

I took a pair of shorts

I also took one of my tank tops that I don't wear anymore a cut a piece off big enough to fit my phone in, and sewed it to the inside back of the shorts.

placed phone inside.... and it fits perfectly. I didn't put the phone all the way in because I wanted you to see how well it worked.

I went for a jog last night to try this out and it did amazingly well. It stayed put and it wasn't very uncomfortable. I just put my earphones in and off I went.

*Happy Thursday!*

Fortunately there's always a first time for everything. Good or bad

So, this is the first time I've ever done a blog, so bear with me if it's not all that great in the beginning. I will do my best to make it as interesting as possible. So I guess I should start with a little bit about myself...

I'm a mommy of 2 amazing little boys

I have an amazing fiance, who works very hard us

I love the color blue

I am big believer that everything happens for a reason

My family and friends mean the world to me

I listen to Christian music on a daily basis. It lifts me up whenever I need it

That's just a little bit about me. I hope you continue to check this blog out from time to time and I hope you enjoy it.
